For many people, a house just isn’t a home without a pet. Pets are a wonderful addition to any home, and can bring many benefits to the lives of those who share their space. We know many people just can’t live without their furry friends, which is why Fountaingate Gardens is a pet-friendly community.

Pets fill our lives with companionship, affection, entertainment and purpose. That special bond we cultivate with our pets is more than simply emotional; a pet can be helpful at any point in our lives, because they can help us to structure our lives in a healthy way. They need to be fed, walked and played with, which can encourage us take the time to exercise, eat healthy meals and relax alongside our pets.
A dog, or any active outdoor pet, can easily help you to incorporate some fresh air and exercise into your life. According to a study in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, dog owners walk approximately one hour longer per day than those without a dog. Petting a furry friend can also help reduce stress by lowering blood pressure levels. Even something as simple as feeling the warmth of a cat or a dog on your lap can be comforting and calming.
Beyond the physical benefits of owning a pet, there are some great social and societal benefits, as well. Dogs encourage their owners to spend time in informal social situations, such as strolling the walking paths at Fountaingate Gardens, taking a trip to the local park, or even making a visit to the vet. Pets can act as an icebreaker, helping their owners to quickly form new connections. They can also help their owners generate new interests by exposing them to new activities or volunteer opportunities, potentially benefitting the community as well as the pet owner.
And if you aren’t an animal person? No problem! Pets are housed in our members’ private apartment homes, and are leashed in common areas; a newly constructed dog park is completely fenced, providing a safe and spacious space for pets to frolic and play. You will be able to decide how much (or how little!) time you spend around the Fountaingate Gardens pet community.
If you would like to learn more about independent living at Fountaingate Gardens, give us a call today at (631) 715-2693 and speak to one of our Lifestyle Consultants to learn about the wide array of features and benefits our unique Life Plan Community offers our members.